The Support Plan check-in frequency and contact type (in-person, web meeting, or phone call) is determined in partnership with the OhioKAN Family upon initial development of the Support Plan. Bi-weekly check-ins are generally a good starting point. The frequency can change as the family’s needs change. For example, a family may want to meet bi-weekly initially, but then decrease the frequency to monthly as the service episode progresses. Or a family who has wanted monthly contact may need more frequent support in response to an unforeseen situation.
The purpose of these check-ins is to ensure that OhioKAN Families receive appropriate advocacy support and additional referrals for the needs they have identified, and that Navigators learn about barriers to access, provide support, and verify that all needs are met. During each check-in, the Navigator confirms with the caregiver or parent if substantive changes and revisions are needed. Small updates to the plan are expected, however, revising the entire Support Plan at every check-in is not required.