Community service and support mapping are considered core implementation supports for successful implementation and sustainment of the OhioKAN program model. The OhioKAN program staff utilize a list of resources to align the needs of families identified in the BASICS with the resources available in the community. The resources matched with the family’s needs are then transferred into a referral binder as a key aspect of the Connect Level of Service. Many kinship and adoptive caregivers reach out to OhioKAN for the sole purpose of receiving a referral binder of targeted resources. Without this list of resources, the OhioKAN program would be unable to meet the needs of caregivers in the community.
In preparation for the implementation of the OhioKAN program model, Kinnect contracted with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to develop the OhioKAN Information Hub. The Info Hub is a unique platform with community services and supports mapped by county, region and statewide. This Info Hub describes the community provider, the supports available, organization specific details such as days and times open, and provides a space for OhioKAN staff to add notes for future reference. When staff initially log in to the Info Hub, they can navigate the Ohio map to search for resources and have the capability of adding new resources. The Info Hub allows staff to search for resources that are closest to the caregiver’s physical address and by service area that aligns with the 10 domains in the BASICS.
Figure 9: The above is a screenshot of the OhioKAN Information Hub that Navigators use to view and select referrals to meet the unique needs of Kinship and Adoptive families.
When a resource is identified and aligns with the caregiver and family’s unique needs, the OhioKAN staff member is then able to add the resource to the referral binder. The Info Hub also has the capability to add internal-only notes for other staff members, such as tips on how to access an online benefits portal, etc. These tips are often then explained to the caregiver for ease of accessing the community resource in their referral binder. The referral binder is a feature developed within the Info Hub software: staff are also able to add notes to each resource for the family.
Figure 10: The above is a screenshot the referral binder feature in the OhioKAN Information Hub that allows Navigators to add referrals with specific notes for the family.
The referral binder is shared with the family in their preferred form of contact such as by email or through the postal service, this also includes in the preferred language. Once a referral binder is sent, the Info Hub displays when a follow up is needed to a family. The follow up feature is a great way for staff to keep track of all referral binders sent and when a follow up is needed.
In addition to the list of resources in the community, OhioKAN staff play a critical role in assessing the existing service array and ongoing identification of service gaps. This includes keeping a keen ear for service gaps and barriers in conversation with families who call OhioKAN. When gaps and barriers are identified, Navigators make a notation in SACWIS as an activity log and communicate with their region’s Coach and Regional Coordinator, who then assist in documenting the service gaps and barriers. This tracker is used in collaboration with the Regional Advisory Council to assist in action planning around how to meet the need of identified service gaps and barriers in the community.