The Navigator builds rapport and trust with the parent or caregiver, asks follow-up questions based on what was shared in the BASICS, and learns more about the family’s circumstances to co-develop a tailored Support Plan. The Navigator’s role in co-developing the Support Plan with the caregiver or parent is to facilitate their exploration of ways to address their identified needs, recognize their strengths and abilities, and identify what family and community supports they already have. The primary skills used may include appreciative inquiry and motivational interviewing. Navigators engage with families with a warm empathetic tone and the practices established in the OhioKAN Navigator Practice Profile. The Discussion Guides for Co-Developing the Kinship and Adoptive Family Collaborative Support Plan with the Family in the Appendix offers practical guidance and suggested questions.
The Support Plan is organized into five sections and is intentionally organized so that the family’s strengths and key relationships are discussed first to inform the development of the Support Plan. While co-creating the Support Plan with the family the Navigator works with the family to specify which additional supports the family needs in addition to service referrals.
Figure 5. A brief overview of each of the sections of the support plan completed with families.