Services Gaps

A written procedure guides the documentation of service gaps. A service gap is when a referral is needed, but no provider is available to the family. If a family identifies a need on the BASICS as “Somewhat Challenging” or “Very Challenging,” but OhioKAN staff are unable to identify an appropriate provider to meet the family’s current situation, this gap is documented in the data system. This information is used to identify all a family’s needs and what service gaps exist in the community. This information is used to inform Regional Advisory Council and Continuous Quality Improvement efforts.

The OhioKAN staff member can document this at the same time they document other case services provided in a binder or at any time when a referral is requested, but a provider is not available or accessible.

When a family has requested a service, but the services are not available or accessible to the family, a Case Service can be added in the data system to document the need. This may also be used when a referral was provided to the family, but the Case Service had to be ended because the family could not use the provider (i.e., ineligible, provider closed)

Sometimes a service may be available, but not accessible. These instances are documented. For example:

  • The available provider does not offer services in the language the family speaks.
  • The person has mobility challenges, but the available provider’s facility is not ADA compliant.
  • The person is part of the LGBTQIA+ community and the available provider is not affirming.
  • The provider is not willing or able to provide services to a child with behavioral health needs.
  • This list is not exhaustive, if you are unsure about a situation where a service seems inaccessible, talk with your coach.