Targeted advocacy and navigation support to assist the caregiver and parent in achieving their Support Plan goals and accessing the services they have been referred to. The navigator may provide the following advocacy support as part of their Collaborate Service Level delivery:
Warm hand-off referrals
You can offer to call an agency with a family on the phone, or call an agency on a family’s behalf to make the initial introduction.
Assistance with an application
You can offer to assist a family with an application for a social service benefit (SNAP, childcare, SSI, etc.) virtually or in person if there are barriers to completing the application virtually.
Flexible Funds and Hard Goods
If a family needs hard goods like clothing, beds, car seats, etc., for their kinship or adoptive children, you can offer to directly link families to organizations and agencies for short-term assistance in obtaining these items, and follow up support.
If you have exhausted all community-based options for a family to meet a need for funds or hard goods, you can apply for flexible funds and hard goods through OhioKAN.
Benefits coordination
If the family has questions about eligibility, a benefits appeal process, or would like support with an application, or other benefits challenges that require more specialized expertise, you can offer to connect them with the OhioKAN Benefits Coordinator.
In-person services
In select situations, you can offer to join a family in a meeting with the child’s school, social worker, etc. in the community to provide extra advocacy for the family.
If there are barriers to providing virtual support, you may also offer to visit the family in their home to assist with applications, etc.
Collaboration with caseworker, state, or local agencies
You can offer to coordinate with the family’s case worker, if they have one, or reach out to local/state agency contacts to advocate alongside them.