In February of 2018, the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was enacted, allowing states to receive federal matching funds for the provision of prevention services implemented by a federally approved kinship navigator program.
In response to the increased demand for kinship and post-adoption services and to the new legislation, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) set out to develop a statewide kinship and adoption navigation program. ODJFS partnered with Kinnect to design and administer this new program. In partnership with 90 stakeholders, ODJFS and Kinnect led the development of what is now known as OhioKAN. ODJFS and Kinnect partnered with Kaye Implementation and Evaluation (KI&E) to complete a rigorous outcome evaluation that meets FFPSA standards, further articulated in the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse.
KI&E led a cluster randomized control trial to test the effectiveness of OhioKAN. The program documents in this manual, individuals and families with lived experience, and the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse informed the evaluation design and approach. KI&E developed and invited all OhioKAN families to participate in a series of surveys outside of the service delivery model to test the program.
The list below includes key sections of the manual to consider for an evaluation of the OhioKAN program model.
Explore Key Sections
Click each title to learn more
Core Components
Read about the OhioKAN core components to understand the essential program elements, functions and associated activities.
Theory of Change
Review the OhioKAN theory of change to understand the challenges that Kinship and Adoptive families face, how OhioKAN serves families and communities so that identified outcomes are achieved.
Logic Model
Explore the OhioKAN logic model to understand the intervention and implementation activities that OhioKAN hopes will result in outcomes for Kinship and Adoptive families.
Service Delivery
Understand how the core components of the OhioKAN program model are operationalized such as the steps for opening a service episode, completing the BASICS, providing a referral binder, co-developing a support plan, following up with families, and closing the service episode.
Core Implementation Supports
Read about the mechanisms utilized by OhioKAN to support successful implementation of the program model, such as a rigorous fidelity monitoring process.
Appendix 1. Assessments and Plans Used in Practice
Gain a deeper understanding of both the BASICS and Support Plan that staff use during service delivery to understand the family’s needs and to develop an action plan for how to best support them in achieving their goals.
Appendix 3. Fidelity Monitoring: Observation Checklist
Explore the Observation Checklist, a tool to monitor fidelity to the practices specified by the OhioKAN model.